
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hotel California: AKA Aberdeen Maternity Hospital

Just a quick update as I'm about to spend my 4th night at ARI Maternity Hospital. The Doctors won't give me a firm exit strategy for busting out of this place and I'm starting to feel a bit like I'm being held hostage. 

The good news: Forest is about to be transferred out of NICU and allowed to room in with me.

The bad news: Though he's basically healthy, he has several very normal deficiencies (low blood sugar, infection markers, elevated jaundice) that coupled together have made the pediatricians want to put him on an anti biotic regimen that has him stuck in hospital jail until his final tests come back tomorrow. If they come back fine and IF he doesn't develop jaundice then we can MAYBE talk about going home tomorrow night but really, Sunday morning is the earliest we can expect to be home bound. If his jaundice levels go up then he'll have bought us another 48 hours in Hotel California. 

I'm just ready to be home! For those of you unfamiliar with the public health care system in Scotland, there is no such thing as a private maternity room. I currently have 5 roommates (well, 10 if you count their babies) and we all share one bathroom. Plus, Jon has to leave between 8 pm-9 am leaving me as a single mom for 13 hours straight. Not ideal. 

It hurts even worse being here since my dad arrived this morning. He came by to visit and meet little Forest. I wish I could be home to spend more time with him on his very short trip to Scotland.
Anyway, that's the update. I'm working on my birth story while I'm here but there is no wifi (shocker) so I won't post until I'm back home. Hopefully that is very soon. Until then, here are some pictures of 3 day old Forest. Please, please please pray for his physical health and for his momma's mental health. 


  1. Praying for positive results and a safe journey home SOON! Side note: that yellow chair looks really uncomfortable :/

  2. We're thinking of you and hoping for a release from the Hotel California!!! Funny enough we call this place the Hotel CA as well :) On the plus side Forest is adorable and it's great to see your mom and dad in the photos!! take care!!

  3. Praying! Praying! Praying! Oh my goodness....I had NO share with all those other moms and babies AND they kick daddies out for 13hrs! Why would they abuse new mothers in such a cruel way??? That is just ridiculous.

    Looking on the bright side...quite literally you look bright and glowing my friend. I can only imagine you are exhausted in every possible way but you look gorgeous. And of course, Forest steals the show. What a handsome, beautiful baby he is. I just love, love love him and am praying you all are home together very soon.

    LOVE YOU!!You are a tremendous mother!!!
