
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Highs and Lows

Happy weekend everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve done Highs and Lows, so figured it was time to revisit the tradition, especially since this was a pretty big week. Let’s jump to it. 

Lows: 1) Braxton Hicks/possible latent labor contractions. I woke up at 3 AM Thursday morning with off and on contractions which continued sporadically throughout the day. One the one hand, it’s exciting to think that something’s happening, but also kind of annoying to realize hours later that nothing is actually progressing. It was all very anti-climactic. 

2) Pregnancy insomnia. I’ve been pretty fortunate in dodging this bullet until week 38, but now it’s becoming a regular occurrence for me to be watching ‘Party of Five’ reruns at 3 AM. 

3) Our friends Nary and Gerald are moving to California next week, so this week and has been full of ‘good-bye’ festivities and tonight is their official ‘leaving-do’. They are one of the friendliest, most hospitable, and considerate couples we’ve ever met and we are going to miss them tremendously. That’s the name of the expat game, but it still stings each time another friend leaves Aberdeen behind. 
Stolen from Nary's blog
That’s about it for lows. I’ve had a pretty blessed week so let me tell you about some of the highs.   

1) I had a midwife appointment yesterday which was full of good news. Firstly, the baby appears to have grown appropriately and is now measuring 36 weeks, which is still within normal range for a 38 week gestation baby. At 36 weeks, he was measuring 34 weeks which means in two weeks’ time, he’s experienced 2 weeks’ worth of growth.  With me being petite, it’s not at all surprising that my baby would be small; the concern was whether or not he was still thriving in the womb and all the signs are pointing to *Yes* which is such a relief. Thank you for all of your prayers! 

I will have another appointment with my midwife next Thursday (if he hasn’t been born yet) and if he’s still measuring small, I’ll have another ultrasound next Friday just to do another check that everything is working properly. If it isn’t, they’d probably go ahead and induce labor just because he might do better outside of my tummy than inside. But my midwife’s hunch is that he’s perfectly healthy and normal and, while we are keeping a close eye on him, chances are there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Phew. 

The second positive thing was that his head has descended even further into the birth canal. My midwife could only feel 2/5 of his head outside of my pelvic bone which means he’s quite engaged and ready to get born. This is usually a good sign for a quicker labor process because the contractions don’t have to push him down into position since he’s already pretty low. Good job, baby boy! 

2) I passed my UK driving test and am now legally licensed to drive in the UK!!! 
For those of you unfamiliar with the crazy UK licensing process, this is a REALLY big deal and I’m so glad to have this behind me before baby boy is born. I will post a much longer blog post (or two) on this topic next week so that you can fully appreciate all that I have been through with this! 

3) Fall weather. 
Meteorologists are predicting that we’re headed for the worst winter in decades, but for now the sun is mostly shining and the temperatures are perfect for leggings, Ugg boots, and Chai Lattes. 
Still, I did have to pull out my coat on Thursday which is proof that winter is on her way. I bought a 7 A.M. Enfant igloo for baby boy which is basically a down sleeping bag that inserts into his carrier and stroller. 
It will be perfect for our  winter walks. He’ll be taught early on that in Scotland, there is no bad weather, only bad gear. (And I’m sure I’ll be super jealous that he’ll be warm and snuggly in his igloo while I’m pushing his stroller through the snowy trails. ) 

Alright friends, I need to get back to nesting in case baby boy decides to be born today. My prediction was October 13, which just so happens to be *tomorrow*. I’ll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a smart baby you have! Already in position and growing just as he should!! Everything sounds great and I am praising God that he's remained in utero until 38weeks. Any day now!!! Praying for you sweet friend XOXO
