
Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Phone Photos: Nighttime Rituals

Whenever we don’t have plans, our usual nighttime ritual is to eat dinner and then watch TV for a few hours before putting the dogs to bed and reading a bit before our own bedtime. We are firm believers in kennel training which means that our dogs eat and sleep in their own designated space. However, we aren’t always so consistent with the ‘not sleeping in the bed with us’ aspect, which is why, every night after potty time, Bailey runs straight to her kennel but Samson sits by my side of the bed flashing me the most pitiful puppy eyes on earth. 
He stays right there, staring me down, the entire time I’m washing my face and brushing my teeth. It’s so heartbreaking that Jonathan and I usually rock/paper/scissors about who has to be the mean parent who actually commands him to go to bed. 
Last night was my turn, and I thought I’d capture the puppy eyes on video for your viewing pleasure. Because he doesn’t stop trying after we’ve given him the ’go to bed’ command...
His motto is ‘never give up’ and he flashed me those sad brown eyes no less than 5 times in the 10 feet from our bedroom to his kennel, as if to ask, “Are you sure Mom? How could you do this to me? I promise I will snuggle your feet all night and I’ll try to keep the snoring to a minimum”. 

At which point I turned to Jonathan and asked “Are you sure he can’t sleep with us? How could you do this to him? All he does is keep your feet warm and occasionally snore like a dragon”. Parenting is hard y’all. 

Samson isn’t the only pitiful pup in the family. Bailey got a 6 mile snow run yesterday which meant she was pretty tuckered out afterward. While we watched Raising Hope she slept like a baby…or perhaps an adult woman. 
Yep, this is my exact sleeping position. We couldn’t stop laughing, which woke her up for about 6 seconds before she promptly fell back asleep in this position:
We couldn’t stop laughing, which woke her up for about 6 seconds before she promptly fell back asleep in this position:
We couldn’t stop laughing, which woke her up for about 6 seconds before she promptly fell back asleep in this position:
We couldn’t stop laughing, which she took as her cue to come over to our couch and crawl into her Daddy’s lap for a snooze.
Such a sweet sweet pitiful girl. Parenting is hard, but it has its rewards. 


  1. Bailey is just like Kady in how she sleeps!! They are so funny!

  2. Wow! I am amazed at your parenting skills! After two years of crate training, one cold night in Midland 4years ago and Kyros has been in bed with us ever since. I can't resist!!!
