
Friday, August 24, 2012

Phone Photo Friday: The Last Days of Summer

We’ve had a four week streak of warm temperatures and sunny days here in Aberdeen. But over the past week, there has been an underlying chill in the morning air. When walking Jon to work in the mornings, I’m forced to grab my fleece before heading out the door, and leaving our bedroom windows open all night leads to a lot of hitting the snooze button in order to stay warm and cozy beneath the blankets.
 It’s still pleasantly in the low 60s and high 50s, but I think our 70 degree days have probably ended until next summer. Knowing that winter usually sets in as early as October has us taking full advantage of these last mild days.
 Last Saturday was the warmest we’ve had so far, so we started off with a long run with Bailey girl and then headed to the river for some one on one time with Samson.
We decided to let him off leash as an experiment, and he ran straight to the water.
He has this quirk that he likes to burrow into the bank of rivers and streams and therefore cover himself from head to toe in mud and grass.
Needless to say, the off leash experiment didn’t last long, but with his extendable leash, he still managed to have a good time, and even got in for a swim.

After our walk, we headed over to our friends’ Ryan and Jillian’s country house for some Texas bar-b-que. Going to Ryan and Jill’s house is always bittersweet. It’s just so lovely and spacious that it makes me regret choosing to live closer to the city. Scotland sure is a beautiful country, and the view from their backyard is one of the loveliest I’ve seen.
I’m kind of jealous that they get to enjoy that view every single day. Luckily, Jillian is a good friend of mine, so I can rudely invite myself over to enjoy it whenever I wantJ.

It was such a perfect day on Saturday that we actually got to have margaritas. On a patio. With chips and salsa. Overlooking the Scottish countryside. With a clear view all the way to the Cairngorm mountain range. Looking at this sunset.
Can you say: best of both worlds? It was such an awesome day! Thanks for the invite Ryan and Jill!.
The nice weather has encouraged me to get out and explore some additional walking paths. Our neighborhood has some really incredible gardeners so I love looking at everyone’s front yard. Purple Hydrangeas are my absolute favorite flower.
I also love this yellow door.
If ours wasn’t a rental, the door would be getting a fresh coat of paint, pronto.
Sam and I also went to walk along the Dee Railroad Line that runs all the way from Duthie park in Aberdeen to Banchory 19 miles away.
Since we started at Duthie Park, all we really saw was city scenery, but I think today we’re going to meet up with the trail inCults and walk through the countryside a bit.
Last night we were finally able throw Pam a Hen Party after her lost passport fiasco.
It was so nice to see her after about a month of incongruent schedules. One of the downsides of living in Aberdeen is that everyone travels so much that it’s hard to find a time when we can all get together. We had a good showing for her dinner though, and ended up having the entire downstairs of Ciao Napoli to ourselves. Kristin even baked a cookie cake from scratch. It was adorably delicious.
We then headed out for girly champagne cocktails before heading back home for some much needed beauty sleep.
And now it's time to go take some more phone photos for next Friday's edition. I hope you all have a great weekend planned. See you Monday!


  1. I had a whole comment in mind about how I would love to see temps in the 60's here but as I scrolled down the post all I could think about was, "Hey, nice panties!".

  2. NOO, summer can't be leaving already! This past month has been so nice and I am going to miss the looong summer days. And friend, you are welcome out here anytime. Seriously, I'll make you a copy of the key :-) Here's to hoping we have lots of beautiful fall and winter days!
