
Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Yesterday was a hard day for me. I felt more frustrated and overwhelmed than I have at any point during this process. It was exacerbated by the fact that my morning started off with 4 immunization shots and the sacrificing of a lot of blood for various lab tests. Hunger + Shots + Blood Sacrifice = very grumpy Laine. At least I can scratch Medical Exam off the to-do list. But that’s about all I accomplished yesterday due to a freakish storm that blanketed Houston for the entire day. 

I’m guessing my Mom sensed my panicky state of mind yesterday because she is graciously volunteering her time to help me today and tomorrow which means it’s time to get my game face on. We’re headed to Costco this morning so that I can become a member and start stocking up on food stuff for our shipment. Also, Aberdeen has a Costco so I’ll be able to use my membership there as well. 

Well, it’s hopefully going to be a productive day so I guess I’ll get out of my pajama pants now. Though, come to think of it, I doubt the dress code at Costco requires real pants. Hmmm....decisions, decisions. 

1 comment:

  1. And when there's a storm in Houston you really can't go anywhere! So frustrating...
