
"The Beast"; aka, my Aberdeen to-do List

I’ve been referring to my to-do list as “The Beast”. And not just any beast, but rather one of those three headed kind that grows three more heads anytime one is cut off. The list is ever-expanding and a bit intimidating. I’ll be keeping track of the list here and crossing off tasks as they are completed. Some items will include an anticipated completion date. Basically, this is all just to give me a false sense of accomplishment. The good news is, hopefully all of these tasks will be completed 8 weeks from now. Then once we’re in Scotland, I’ll have a whole new to-do list beast to battle with.

The Biggies:
Prepare dogs for importation
                Microchip (3/19)
                Rabies vaccine (3/20)
                Tapeworm Treatment within 5 days of arrival in UK
                Have vet sign paperwork
                Send paperwork to USDA 
                Make arrangements through airline
                Buy airline approved kennels for flight
Put house on market
                Choose Realtor
                Paint guest room (3/22)
    Get carpet cleaned (3/23)
    Have slate tiles replaced on porch 
                Stage house (3/23)
                Clean up backyard (3/19)
Go on house hunting trip
                Send housing survey to realtor               
                Arrange kennel for dogs
                Book flights
                Book/Confirm hotel arrangements
Obtain UK Visa
                Online application
                Passport photos
                Send paperwork to UK embassy for approval
Sell cars in US
Buy cars in UK
Garage sale
Medical Exam (3/20)
                Obtain recent med records for exam (3/15)
Expat Orientation (3/26-27)
Financial Advising orientation
Arrange shipment and air container contents

Repair broken camera lens and purchase portrait lens and external flash (3/24)
Join Costco (3/22)
                Buy detergent, Rotel, cleaning supplies, etc for shipment
Buy converters for 110 appliances
Plato’s Closet (3/22)
Goodwill Donation
                Bring books to Marilyn (3/15)
                Send Jill Miss Peregrine book (3/22)
                Sell books to Half Price Books/ donate leftovers (3/22)
Buy Clothes racks
Buy laptop
                Transport and Erase files from iMac before selling
Order pictures for gallery frame (3/19)
Bring Hawaii print and LSU/Saints articles to be custom framed (3/21)
Buy set of pots/pans (3/21)
Buy Kindle Fire
Research international cell-phones/plans and make arrangements
Repair Jon’s cowboy boots
Buy hiking boots (3/22)
Buy Down Coat
Arrange for Absentee Voting
Set up Vonage account